Anaheim UHSD
AUHSD Families, we will be holding our Summer Registration activities in-person, with many online options, at each school site. To plan for Summer Registration, please complete online data confirmation once the information is emailed in late April, make sure your student's immunizations are up-to-date, and apply for the free and reduced lunch program (if applicable) after July 1st. Your student's school site will be sharing more information regarding the summer activities. Here is a schedule of events for your planning purposes: Registration Dates for 2021-22.
Here is the information to complete each of these activities online:
Support for Online Enrollment:  Aeries Parent Portal Resources
Free and Reduced Lunch Application link (videos are posted on the  Aeries Parent Portal Resources if assistance is needed) Parents/Guardians must submit a new application each school year. Applications are available after July 1st.

AUHSD Registration and Enrollment

If you have further questions please contact your school Registrar/Records. Here is the list of Registrar/Records at all sites: Registrar/Records Email ListOr contact Aeries Helpdesk: aeries_helpdesk@auhsd.


If your students were previously enrolled in any AUHSD school or are  incoming 7th Grade students from Anaheim, Magnolia, Centralia, Cypress and Savanna Elementary School Districts that are now Pre-Enrolled at AUHSD please follow the instruction below:

Step 1 Course Selection for students takes place in the spring of the preceding year for students who attend one of our feeder district schools.  Counselors meet with students to develop/revise their 6-year educational plans based upon graduation requirements and individual interests.  Parental approval of student plan is required by parent signature.

Registration, Step 2 Online Data Confirmation begins April 2021.  Families are strongly encouraged to complete Step 1 prior to the end of the school year in May.

Registration, Step 3 is an event at each school during the two weeks prior to the first day of school on August 11, 2021. Steps 2 and 3 must be completed before students begin school.  Families new to the community should contact the nearest AUHSD school to their home for further information.

Please go to the following link to the Aeries Parent Portal:


If your students are New students from out of the area NEVER enrolled at AUHSD please follow the instruction below to enroll your new students:

First, Complete Aeries Air. After completing Aeries Air, you must email the Registrar/Records at your site and provide the following documents as scanned documents or emailed pictures. Here is the list of Registrar/Records at all sites: Registrar/Records Email List.

Needed documents:

  1. Gas or electric bill showing parent/guardian's name and address
  2. Student's birth certificate or passport
  3. Transcript of prior work in grades 7-current year
  4. Immunization Records
  5. California test scores or equivalent
  6. If student is an English Language Development student, a copy of their prior CELDT and/or ELPAC scores

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