Western HS

ELD III - W.Criner

Welcome to ELD III

Welcome to our ELD III class. This year we will be staying very busy incorporating all of the components of learning a language: listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as grammar. Each quarter we will have a different focus.

Quarter 1: Narrative writing techniques such as tone, mood, figurative language, etc. will be our focus this quarter. We will be reading various selections to practice these literary devices such as poetry, short stories, and "The House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros.

Quarter 2: We will continue to read various reading selections, and end by reading "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie. Our writing focus will be reading comprehension, critical thinking, characterization, and informative writing.

Quarter 3: We will focus heavily on author's purpose, theme, and message. We will be reading various literature, including "The Outsiders" which we will focus on message, characterization, and language.

Quarter 4: We will end the year by reading "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare. We will also write an argumentative writing composition.


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